I haven't blogged in awhile. Hope that's ok with "Mercer's public." Things are going great -- we're just enjoying him so much and want to spend a little more time with him than with the computer.
I forgot to mention in the last blog that his umbilical cord fell off Sunday afternoon during a diaper change Todd was doing!. (Whew!) It's healing nicely... and we think he'll be an "innie" as his belly is growing around where the cord was. Innie / Outie... either one would've been cute of course!
I take Mercer out just about every day (running errands mainly). Thursday was the first day we stayed at home. Only took a walk to the top of the street and back. It took me an hour and a half to go 1/4 mile and back! Mercer had to meet a bunch of the neighbors and talk. It is so great to see how many people are taking an interest in him. We love it!
Made up for his day at home on Thursday by taking him out ALL DAY Friday. He had a pediatrician's appointment in the morning. He now weighs 7 lbs 12 oz... and is still 20.5" (as measured last week). The doc says all is great -- and that she doesn't need to see him 'til his 2 month visit. Afterwards, we went to The Coffee Park (a play place for youngsters (9 months & up in one area & 2 years and up in another) and coffee-house / lunch spot for moms who want to catch up with other moms or just have some time to themselves once the kids are checked in and playing in the enclosed area. A group of mothers from the neighborhood were meeting there -- but many didn't show up b/c of colds that their kids had / they didn't want to pass it along. Only one other mom from the neighborhood was there -- someone I don't really know -- so it was good being able to get to know her. She has twins just over 2 years old and a 4 month old son.
Hit a consignment sale after that and got some great summer clothes for Mercer. Some swim trunks. Shorts. beach /pool type of outfits. etc. Great quality stuff at a fraction of the price as new clothes (although many things I picked up were new w/ tags on them still). LOVE the consignment wear! Also picked up a couple of Baby Einstein videos and a couple of books about play. I want to make sure we're keeping him stimulated and developing his mind at the rate we should be.
Took Mercer to Todd's office to meet the gang... then took him to my office too. At my office, they were having their annual conference this week & we went to the closing reception. It was great to see everyone -- I haven't been there for several weeks!
We came home and some of our former neighbors stopped by to visit Mercer. Scott & Shelli had their house on the market for awhile & finally sold it. They came back into town for the closing. We all went over middle names. We've narrowed it down to several choices. Todd & I need to finalize this at some point soon.
Time to run. Thanks for all who are checking in on us. We are grateful for all of your love and support. It means so much!!
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