Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Big Change... we're free to go HOME!

Just got the call from the CO social worker... we're free to go!

So much to do.

-I just booked a flight & have the same one as Todd.

-Talked to Susan about her not flying over (boy -- I feel so bad about that b/c I was looking forward to spending time with her & learning some parenting tips / she really wanted to meet little Mercer!)

-Need to cancel the add'l nights here at the hotel

-We planned to bathe him tonight... do laundry tonight... etc etc. We should add re-packing to that list. yay!

ps - here's a picture from today.

(we put him on the bed after Todd fed him)


Allison said...

What a precious bundle!!!! He is so cute, can't wait to meet him.

Sara said...

Holy Smokes!
Can't wait to see you and the little bundle!