We ran some errands yesterday -- and bought Mercer's mobile. We have really been feeling bad that he didn't have any toys. We were reading that you should take the mobile out of the crib around 5 months old (when they can reach up / pull on it) -- so we figured we should go ahead and get it. I don't think he really noticed it yet, as he sleeps somewhat on his side. He did get a rattle from a neighbor (and we got him one too). So, hopefully, we will be keeping his mind stimulated and developing.
Got some storage bins too so that we have something to put his clothes in. (They have been laying in stacks on the bed 'til his changing table / dresser comes in.) It has really been bothering me in there having it so disorganized. These bins will help organize the clothes by size & season... but can be used later to store toys in. We didn't get to work on the trim work in the nursery (again!) this weekend... so we're shooting for next weekend. My mom will be here. Maybe she can hold & rock little M while we work on trim / paint / etc?
I should go now. I have lunch plans with some of the girls from Keep Marietta Beautiful. I need to wake up Mercer so I can change him, but hate to do that b/c - quite frankly - he did not sleep almost all night (which means I didn't either)!
Now, he's sacked out. Lucky dog.
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