Sunday, February 24, 2008

We were chosen, but.....

the social worker who is working with the birth mother is being cautious because all of this has happened so last-minute and so quickly.

Supposedly the birthmother (located south of Colorado Springs, CO) was working with a friend of the family to do a private adoption and it fell through. She called an agency in Colorado on Friday who then called our consultant and asked if there were any families she was working with that would be a good fit. They called us at 4:45 Friday afternoon... we said - sure! - send the book. The social worker in Colorado called us on Saturday afternoon saying that the birth mother was in labor and that she was taking the profile books to her to review. She said she would call us with the birthmother's decision.

We got a call this morning that said we were chosen... and the baby was born yesterday. He is 5 lbs 15 oz. (We don't really have any more details other than that at this point.)

The social worker is heading back to the hospital to hang out with the birth mother a little bit more. The reason she's being cautious is b/c the birthmother wasn't 100% positive that she could go through with it -- although she felt pretty sure she could. The social worker wants us to wait 'til after this meeting at the hospital today before making our flight arrangements.

We've begun washing all of the baby gear that we've collected. We're meeting with our social worker this afternoon at 3 (yes - she's meeting us on a Sunday! She actually was working on our homestudy report this morning & said she finished it today. cool!). Afterwards, we're going to babies r us to return a few gender-neutral clothes and to pick up some sterilization bags (if they sell them) so that we don't have to buy and pack a bottle sterilizer on the plane. (We picked up a car seat from a friend last night... that was the 2nd to last thing I wanted to put in the ready-GO kit.) The only other thing I think that I want for the kit is a baby sling. I have been reading about baby wearing (how good it is for both the baby and mother)... and - maybe one of those frames that a car seat snaps into so that you don't have to get a big bulky stroller. Tomorrow morning at 8, we're signing all of the papers at a bank to switch over our Home Equity Line (we recieved word on Saturday (in an email sent Friday) that it was ready to go). This will be our financing mechanism for the adoption. Sounds like everything is falling into place.

Funny thing at yoga yesterday... I was talking to my teacher about yoga on the beach, about how relaxed I was, about our call Friday afternoon. She thought that I "knew" something b/c I was so calm. She could feel it. And - Todd & I went to a work party at my office (there were about 20 volunteers there trying to do some things to finish the building so it would be ready for our conference in March).... we actually got the call while we were working there Saturday afternoon about taking our profile book for review. We got such great comments from all of our co-workers too. They all hoped that this one would work out for us.... and I got to say "bye" to a number of them just-in-case. The phrase we were all using: "I hope I don't see you Monday." (meaning -- hopefully we'd be on a plane to Colorado!)

I should go for now. I'll update the blog when we hear more.

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