Wednesday, May 21, 2008

"Oh what a beautiful morning...

Oh what a beautiful day.... I've got a fabulous feeling... Everything's going my way!"

Sorry - just felt like flinging the curtains open and singing that song because baby slept through the night!! yay!

He stirred & kicked around 4 am - like normal - but the stirring & kicking were not followed by crying this time... eventually he settled back down and went back to sleep. So did we. I know not to expect this every night - but it's a start. It has to start somewhere!

Yesterday was better, too, in terms of daycare. I dropped Mercer off at daycare around 8:30. It was a much calmer experience. The part-time teacher was there in the morning and there was soft music playing. There was not the craziness I experienced the day before.

I "thought" I had a meeting at 9:30 downtown at my office -- but it was actually at 1:00. So, I was there almost all day. The meeting usually lasts around 2 hours; I thought I could stick it out 'til 3:00, but it dragged on to 3:10, then 3:20 and I bolted up and said "I've got to go!" For some reason I had all of this anxiety - perhaps because in my mind I knew I was going to go see Mercer after 3 pm?

I picked him up from daycare and the full-time teacher who was there the previous day greeted me. She was much happier Tuesday. She said that the two older babies went to the other room that day (although I saw them in the morning and in the evening when I picked Mercer up in the infant room). Maybe they were there in the middle of the day?

At any rate -- it made for a happier teacher... and she wasn't pushy about his feeding at the end of the day. She pretty much fed him on schedule. She said it was a much better day. I'm *hoping* that the Monday daycare experience was just a bad day and that there are few of those!

I should run... but wanted to share the news about Mercer's accomplishment!

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