Sunday, December 30, 2007

Through the hard part of the home study!

Todd and I spent ALL DAY today (Sunday) working on the 15 pages of narratives that each one of us had to write as a part of the home study. I will turn those in when I meet with the social worker on Friday. One of the hazards of the home study: cramps in your hands from writing so much!

We are making a lot of progress. As mentioned: cleaned a ton last week. Did the fingerprints & mailed the ones into the Ga Crime folks Friday... got Todd to sign the coverletter for the one for the FBI and will send that tomorrow. These two documents are the ones that take the longest to process: 6 - 8 weeks, but they can be expedited if needed. We got our criminal background check done on Friday also -- all clear. Another hazard of the home study: wearing fingerprints off of your fingertips by cleaning so much! Seriously. The person at the police department taking our fingerprints didn't seem so concerned.

We're going to continue to clean tomorrow & Tuesday (New Year's Eve & New Year's Day. It's a good time to do it anyways.... before folks come over for soup night.) There's a few other forms that we need to fill out (only 1 - 2 pages each. easy!) and we'll need to set up doctor's appointments for physician's statement of health. The cats will get updated vaccinations tomorrow as well. I think that's about the jist of it.

On a side note, we are getting SO much positive response from the networking cards that were in our Christmas Cards... and great feedback on the website. I fixed the pages today that had glitches and made a couple of other tweaks. We feel pretty good about it and are happy with it overall.

Got more "New Year's" Cards to do -- and more networking cards to go in them. Still have a hundred or more to do. Wow....... it's a big big job. I should run. Candice

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