Wednesday, December 26, 2007

After Christmas

We had a busy holiday. This was the first time that Todd or I had ever missed Christmas in NC and NJ. We have SO SO much to do regarding the home study / creating an adoption network (spreading the news with our friends & family - basically) / finishing our website!!!

I've only finished 88 Christmas cards (I have to hand-deliver about 45 of those today around the neighborhood). There's about 200 more to go. Seriously! Christmas cards are always a big thing to do anyways (never this many)... but with adding a "dear family & friends" letter and a couple of post card-sized enclosures has made it an even bigger job. So..... if you haven't gotten a card yet from us -- please know that it's on the way -- we just have a few extra steps to getting them out.

The website was really the big hold-up on getting the cards out. I have been working day & night to finish it. There were also several pages that glitched -- so I had to re-do some of the pages. (There are still 2 pages that I have to re-do and a group of letters that Todd is scanning today (we scanned them previously, but couldn't find them on either computer or our memory sticks)).... so - if your letter isn't up there yet - it will be.... and it is VERY much appreciated! Again: just running a little more behind than normal!

The priority over the next 2 - 3 days is to finish the Christmas cards, get our FBI fingerprinting done, and to begin filling out the home-study paperwork. I think that will take us through to the new year, then we can begin working on the agency applications.

We are going full-force on ALL avenues (personal adoption network, agency adoption, and the random opportunities that come through our adoption consultant). We feel that we're working hard now... but it will pay off SOON!


On another (non-adoption!) note: we had a nice Christmas. After cleaning all weekend, Todd worked hard on Christmas Eve to make his mom's lasagna recipe. He also made creme brulee for dessert too... then even did the dishes!! My mom came to town earlier that day and we all went to see a play (the Christmas Carol) at a neighborhood theater a little north of where we live. It was definitely a small / community theather, but was nice. (Then we watched a musical version on TV when we got home... which was much higher-budget!!) We finished the day with watching "It's a Wonderful Life" and working on those cards into the night. Mom helped address some of the envelopes while I tried to personalize or write a short note in each one.

One thing I'm amazed by: the bravery of the children who were in the play. It's so impressive to see them up there performing for strangers and family. There was one little girl who was distracted by someone in the crowd (she kept looking over and smiling to someone at one side of the audience).... but all of the others were in their game. It was not the best production we've seen by any means (a few of the actors were nervous and stalled on their lines or sounded like they were reading... and some of the adults and children who had singing roles weren't so polished or always on key) but I'm so glad we went to support a local production!! It was small, personal, and nice overall.

On Christmas day, we received a package from Todd's mom with her decorated sugar cookies and a few gifts inside too. I'm so surprised that the Post Office delivered it that morning, but they did! We all opened gifts... laid around the house a bit... did some more Christmas cards (of course)... and then started cooking. I haven't ever made Christmas dinner and was a little intimidated -- so I ordered a package from Publix. It was economical and pretty easy. Well, the turkey breast still had to be cooked like a real turkey. But, the mashed potatoes / gravy / stuffing required only to be heated up & put into a dish. Mom brought & made home-grown green beans. I made Todd's mom's sweet potatoes and also made a "light" chocolate fudge pie. We invited a neighbor over who had a pre-cancerous disease / had been through a bone marrow transplant and chemo a few days before Thanksgiving. He & his father came over for dinner b/c he could not travel and be with his family. We had a nice dinner and conversation.

After running a load of dishes & cleaning up a bit, crashed.... hard! (well, did a few more cards, of course, THEN crashed!)

This morning (Dec 26th), we went back into production mode and printed up a bunch more letters and enclosure cards. This is what I'll be working on the majority of the day. Remember -- your card is on the way. ; - )

Oh yeah: Did I post the website? It's up and running -- and -- we're quite pleased with it!! Check it out:

Have a great rest of your holiday.... Candice

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