Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Closure day 7....

Not too much to report.  School....still moving along.  It takes a really long time (at least 'til 5 +/- between trying to keep the kids on track while doing my own work.  And - many nights, I'm up late still working). It is REALLY HARD for us.  My science team colleagues don't have kids at home, so they're doing much better with things than I am.  (But - also I have the advanced content classes with mostly motivated students (or motivated parents).  I have close to 300 things to grade right now sitting in the submitted "box" on my online portal whereas they have 15 - 30 assignments.  (argh!  of course the one with the 2 children at home has a zillion things to grade!)  

Here is the dashboard again.  It just absolutely shocks me how much it climbs EVERY-SINGLE-DAY!  New York City is in a really bad place right now too... their governor says that their cases DOUBLE every 2-3 days.  it's frightening.  

Sadly, they just closed down a major trail system here in our area... close to 3,000 acre park with 23 different trails.  I give up!  It's a spot where we can get fresh air... exercise....and stay socially distanced from others.  (It's not like they have playgrounds. They don't.)  sigh.

OK - some good news:  it was a big day for Isabella.  She got to have TWO zoom sessions with different classmates... and she was soooo excited / waving / talking and even figured out how to send a specific kid a chat message.  

And, she lost a tooth tonight.  (Less than an hour ago... she stayed up late working on it!)

On the news tonight, our neighborhood was featured for the Rainbows in the Windows (a good-news story).    This is one of Mercer's friends - another 12 year old boy.  (His mom texted me and said to watch the news.  We let Mercer stay up to see it.)  

Kind of cool!

Forgot to mention - we've been going to church on our couch the last 2 Sundays.  We have had a little bit of technical difficulties but we can stream it to our TV.  It's nice to see familiar faces delivering messages of hope.  

Another thing that I've been trying to tune in for:  Jimmy Fallon's intro to his nightly show.  He's broadcasting from home and his kids are there.  It's actually pretty funny.  It's sort of comforting to see that even famous people have this insane juggle with working and kids at home!  (Since I'm photographing the TV tonight... here's a shot from his segment.)  

We certainly need a few laughs!

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