Sunday, November 25, 2007

Tryin' to get through

well, i haven't written about this before... but i am having a bit of a hard time making the transition from the fertility treatments to the adoption process. books / literature / etc says that this is a sort of loss - grieving an unborn child. i felt this at first, then suppressed it with diving into work and stuff (even adoption stuff -- throwing my self right into it). but, for some reason (even though i'm still busy with work) i'm having a hard time with it again.

i started to see a counselor to talk to about it. never been to a counselor before. it's my yoga teacher who i'm seeing. i think her "real" profession is counseling (she's got all sorts of letters & titles behind her name) but i've always liked her from yoga (moreso than other yoga teachers who's classes i've taken) and i'm comfortable with her.

i may not write too much here b/c it's not private. i do have a positive attitude for the most part, but when i'm down... i'm down... and i don't want to convey that in my blog b/c it's not representative of how i feel. just know that -- sometimes -- it's tough.


1 comment:

Lori Lavender Luz said...

The thing that helped me most was the book, "Sweet Grapes: how to stop being infertile and start living childfree" or something like that.

It put the choice back into the situation for me.

And it got me on track to go the adoption route wholeheartedly.

Hope it helps you, too!