Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Two milestones today...

One...not good.  Not good at all.  Over 2 million people have been tested positive for the virus.  (Of course there is a large # of people that haven't been tested / aren't included in that number.)

You can click directly on the country you want to see and get more detail.  The dashboard shows that over 600,000 of those tested / confirmed are here in the US.  It also shows a breakdown by state.  The US has reported over 28,000 deaths.  NY has close to 8,500 of those. 

This has been my go-to website for information / stats.  Personally, I only know of 1 person who probably had it, but was too sick to go to the hospital for a test / her doctor told her - unless she can't breathe - don't go in.  She recovered and I have since spoken to her. She sounds a thousand times better than she did a couple of weeks ago!  But, thankfully, I don't know anyone personally that has been positively tested or hospitalized for this horrible virus.  

Now... for a FANTASTIC milestone: Isabella rode down the street, turned, and rode back up without training wheels!  I just took them off of her bike yesterday, and.... bam!  There she goes.  YAY!  

We went back to the garden to release the remaining butterflies.  Mercer.... not thrilled.

Not much else to talk about right now.... school's back in session and it's already been a challenging juggle to keep all of the plates spinning in the air.....

Since we had spring break, the countdown towards summer is officially "ON!"

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