Friday, April 17, 2020

Happy 7th Adoption Day!

Before posting about the good stuff.... here's reporting on the not-so-good stuff:

2.2 million+ confirmed.  Over 150,000 have passed world-wide.

In the US, there are 700,000 confirmed (more than Italy, Spain, France, Germany and the UK combined) and almost 37,000 that have passed away.  New York is has about 1/3 of those that have passed.

In Georgia, over 17,000 have been confirmed; 668 have passed. 


Thank goodness it's Friday.  This week - getting back into the swing of things after "spring break" was really pretty rough.   The lines are very blurred.  How is this week different than last week (during break)??!!  Both kids were having a hard time -- especially the littlest one.  One thing that held her interest that we did today:  we made a bubble wand out of a clothes hangar for her Mile (gifted) class.  It worked out quite nicely! 

Her school teacher put a sign in the yard -- something that the elementary school had their teachers do.  (This is definitely above and beyond the call of duty for a teacher!)  I guess at an elementary school, all of the kids are close by one-another.... and the teachers only have 20+ students.   I can't imagine doing something like that for my 100+ students at my current school!

Today is Isabella's adoption day.  7 years ago today she officially, legally joined our family.  (We had these little bundt cakes delivered.... which was a big treat!)  

After "school" was done and once Todd came home from work, we had dinner, then presented her with her new present!  We asked her what she wanted.... something that she could use now that she's getting bigger.  Thankfully, she said she wanted a new bike.  Whew!

We found one the day before online at a used bike shop.  This one was in excellent condition.  A schwinn that is purple and has butterflies on it!!  Here is her surprised face when she first saw it + she was jumping for joy 'til she could hop on it!  

This bike does not have any training wheels AND it has much bigger tires (we jumped from a 12 to a 20" -- we were going to go with 16", but we pushed up to the next level based on age and height charts). 

We were concerned about the big jump -- especially considering that she only dropped the training wheels a couple of days ago.  

But... she is knocking this out of the park! 

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