We'll charge up the video camera battery this weekend and try to get some footage of him scooting around.
He was especially cute moving the bar stool around. He was giggling. (Maybe because it's taller than he is?)
He hung out in his PJ's most of the day today while I worked. I just finished a big task today that I've been working on all week... reviewing & commenting on a City Green Building Ordinance. It's actually pretty strict... and pretty interesting... but once it gets implemented ALL buildings built within the city will have to comply. Here's a link to the home page if any of the (architectural blog readers are interested). For those not interested in reading, there's a nice video on this home page about Atlanta and a my company is featured on it. http://sustainableatlanta.org/Policy/Default.aspx?pageid=37
I should go now / get little M changed and go for a walk (it hit 60 today!). We both need to get out of the house! I know we have (more) housekeeping... (more) baby-proofing... and I need to do some work. I've been pretty slammed lately, actually, but maintaining my hours so far.
But - before I go, let me share a few things:
I may have scarred Mercer for life already. We were at a neighbor's house last week who has a dog and I said "puppy dog... it's just like a kitty cat but bigger." For the rest of the evening he kept saying "dit-dee. Dit-dee." (kitty) And - days later - even when seeing puppies / older dogs on tv - like he did this morning - he says "dit-dee!"
I figured out what he calls "no no no." Our Laptops! Probably b/c if we leave it open he likes to bang on the keys and we run over to him saying no no no! Literally. Every time he saw me working on the computer he said "no no no." (Either that or he doesn't want me to do work!)One last thing he says that's new... "guh-ck" which sounds like: guh (pause) ck
"guh-ck" is what he says when he picks up his truck!
Mercer was pretty tired today and it took him 3 tries to get him down for a nap... I was a little frustrated because I was trying to finish that review for work, but, on the 3rd try, I realized that I got to cuddle with him more than normal as trying to get him to sleep. Realizing that made me less frustrated and actually appreciate that time!
One thing that's been especially endearing lately: after changing Mercer's diaper... setting him in his crib so I can go wash my hands... he likes to play hide and chase with me. As I approach the crib, he ducks down and crawls to the back corner. If I squat down to look at him through the slats of the crib, he giggles... and as I "get him" through the slats... he giggles / flops down / and crawls to the back corner again. He could do this over and over again. It is cute. Indeed, I do egg it on!
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