Thursday, October 23, 2008

8 months old today

I got a text from Danielle today. Had to tell her that Mercer's been sick. (Friday night he had a high fever 102+. We called the 24 hour nurse line / had to take his temp every 4 hours... The fever broke Saturday morning. We went to the square for a Harvest Festival they had / grabbed lunch / then felt that he had a fever again so we went home instead of sticking around. He had it overnight Saturday again... so Sunday morning - back on the phone with the 24 hour phone nurse. They told us to call the pediatrician on Monday morning. They weren't too concerned. (New for us, so we WERE concerned.) The pediatrician said that - if on Monday night - his fever hadn't broke (72 hours) bring him in Tuesday morning. Monday night it was over 103 (we gave him a cool bath promptly which helped a lot). Todd took him in Tuesday morning and found out that he had an ear infection. Mercer never acted like he felt bad. A little crabby sometimes, but not grabbing his ears or anything. So, when / if he gets one again... don't know how we'll tell!

We really haven't been doing much. Partly b/c of economy stuff... partly b/c Mercer was not feeling well. I went to a kid's bday party without him on Sunday. Some of the neighbor kids up the street (3 year old twins and their 1 year old brother, Brody, who's been on the blog before) had a recent birthday / had a party. But I didn't stay long. (It's not as fun without the kid in tow!)

This weekend, we'll probably decorate for Halloween, carve a pumpkin, and stay low-key again. Hope all of you guys are doing great out there. I've been really busy and feel out of touch with a lot of people these days. Take care. Candice

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