Monday, January 28, 2008

A short post

The end of Soup Night has arrived. We didn't have a "blow-out" crowd at any one event (week 3 was supposed to be it, but b/c of the snow -- we lost a number of attendees). That's ok, though, because we were able to really catch up and spend some quality time with the folks that did come. This past weekend was an average-sized gathering and was a nice finish. ('til next year's soup night!)

We did receive some bad news over the weekend. Todd's aunt in Pennsylvania passed away Saturday night so we are flying up the day after tomorrow. His mom and sister are very upset (as are his cousins)... and we are wanting to go spend some time with family during this time. We will hold onto the great memories that we had of Aunt Freida. She will be missed -- and will hold a special place in all of our lives.

There has been no news on the baby-front. We have our profile book out to the woman in Colorado, but we do not know when we will hear back about that situation (if she decides to choose us or another family). It would be wonderful if this situation worked out, not only for the sibling connection of the biological child who lives about 30 minutes away from us, but I have a cousin in Denver who I've been wanting to visit. I used to do work in Denver and think it's a fantastic town / want to spend some there and show Todd around.

We have finished with our work, really, on the home study. I've been researching and compiling a "READY-GO" list of things that we'll need in order to hop on a plane in a moment's notice and be prepared for taking care of a little one. I am trying to purchase organic and/or natural products when I can. I've been buying things here and there and am getting close to having the READY-GO package together.

g'night for now. c

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