I'll start with something heavy that happened this month: a terrorist sect, Hamas, invaded Israel in a decades old conflict, but this attack was apparently the worst it has ever been. 6000 bombs were dropped in major populated areas in less than the span of a week. Over 1400+ were killed in early October and bombing and the fighting continues. I am so busy with work that I cannot be glued to the news and media, but apparently it has been just a horrific attack on women, children and the general population... and I am glad I have not seen any of these atrocities. Todd, Mercer and a social studies teacher (across the atrium from me) have told me about how bloody and disgusting the attacks are - attacks on public events... beheadings of children... the rapes and parading around of slaughtered women. Those in charge are just absolutely evil. Israel is responding and is launching attacks back on the Gaza strip. Innocent people in the densely populated areas have no where to go. Meanwhile, the war that Russia bore on the Ukraine continues - it has been going on over 600 days. There is so much unrest in this world.
(I heard on the news that Hamas leaders were meeting in Moscow this week - as Russia wants to keep their influence over the Middle East strong.)
Gratefully, we are not hearing bombs go off in the distance or having to run to a shelter... or worse.
We get to go for hikes and run around with our dog.
(Just some of the little things to be thankful for!)
They wrote her name in Korean on her first day; I wanted to post so we know what it looks like!
She also gave up choir this month. (it was not really what she expected / I think she wanted more private voice lessons. But - it is an excellent program.)
Todd and I got away one night - we went to a (free) concert in a nearby town (Smyrna).(It was a band that we used to listen to / they were well known on the radio for awhile.)
We drove into that town and parked in a nearby neighborhood / walked up as close to the stage as we could get right before the show started... after the show, we walked back to our car and were probably only gone from home around a total of 2 hours!
This was our view walking back. After the concert was fireworks (it was Smyrna's birthday).
In October, there was a partial eclipse of the sun. Mercer was "working" at the parking-lot fundraiser for our church, but Isabella and I checked it out. Through glasses we had from the more major eclipse several years earlier. Amazingly - we found the glasses / remembered where we put them! :)
These photos are taken through the phone / with the lens of the glasses on top of the camera.
During the eclipse, Isabella was also trying to burn leaves again with the really focused light source. The light seemed brighter / different. She got it to work, as she's becoming a pro at burning things with a magnifier! eek.
We took the kids to Burt's Pumpkin Farm in North Georgia to help kick-start the fall decorations + went out to eat at our old Mexican restaurant that moved about 30 minutes north of us. They were happy to see us... which is nice!
The kids would NOT pose for photos, of course, so we only got candids.
There were a lot of complaints while we were driving up, while we were there and on the way home. But - it's just one of those traditions that.... sorry... we are going as a family!(and there were some smiles - the boy may have been harrassing me, but there were smiles!)
Todd went with me this year (no baseball), so I could network / visit the sustainability booths / catch up with people from my green building days.
Afterwards, we drove Todd around the new "hamlets" of Serenbe - where Isabella and I spent a week this past summer.
I got to go BACK to the North Georgia mountains later that week - I went to the "A Mother's Rest" retreat for adoptive moms on a Friday through Monday. There was definitely some juggling to get the 1 1/2 days off from school and the extra-long weekend away from home, but it all worked out.
The 1st night a bunch of us from the house went out to eat (then to the grocery to stock up on supplies for the long weekend). I started my retreat with a jalapeno margarita that was the size of my head! One of the ladies next to me had to take a photo to prove how big it was!! ha.
Yep - that's a goat looking up at me!
I went a bit further north to go try out GOAT YOGA! :) One thing I did not think about - bathroom stuff. They gave us some "ground rules" when we started the session... when a goat poops - it pees. When it pees - it poops. At any sign of either "push-the-tush." (basically - push it off of your mat!) If it poops on your mat - just dump it. They're little pebbles and roll off. (yuk!)
She just camped out on my mat. Laid down. I had to work around her.
Also - they told us that the goats like to have their necks scratched. They did! So, many of the positions - with Betty White at the top of my mat - I just had to pet her while I did the routine!
I did not have it bad... I just had to work around a stubborn goat that wouldn't move.
Several times, she also got jumped on too!
There was one woman who was the yoga instructor who gave us permission to just roll with what ever comes - and to modify as needed as the goats were in and under us!
it was a fun experience overall - but - again I was shocked by the pee & poo thing. That never crossed my mind! I'd do it again. Not as a regular yoga practice, but definitely again -- just for fun!
Oh yeah - you know how goat cheese has a certain smell / taste? (I don't like it - I think it tastes like "feet" personally)... well, I thought Betty White - since I was so close to her - smelled like that! weird.
On the way back to the house, I took the scenic drive (glad I did - I really got to see some beautiful mountains with some trees changing color).
I hit it just at the right time! (the part where the orange dips down into Georgia is where I took my day-trip to. I didn't know this 'til I came back and saw the Leaf-Watch on TV the next day.
As I was driving up, a woman and her husband were leaving, but - they parked the car and came in with me. This little church is not locked... it is open 24/7.
Ethyl and Benny had been married for 62 years! He did not talk much, but she was proud to tell me about the history of this structure, the windows, the lights that were added, etc. Note - he barely said a word. ha ha!
I continued onto one of my favorite places "Mark of the Potter" before returning back to the house to hang out with the ladies.
The reflection of the leaf colors on the water was mesmerizing.
Todd took Isabella hiking at Kennesaw Mountain again. She and the dog ran again in the giant field.
Hip Hop REALLY loves this -- and so does the girl!
The next day - Mercer had a baseball tournament, so Isabella went along.
There's a REAL GIANT spider web that we left up - Todd said he had to work around it / he looked it up - a "Joro" spider?
It has changed color over the past several weeks - Isabella and I have been watching it. Glad Todd was able to work around the web in front of our porch column!
The # of trick-or-treaters seems a little lighter than pre-pandemic #s. We still had probably 200 - 300 kids, but not as many as before.
M decided a few days before that he wanted to go as the stay-puff marshmallow again.
Isabella wore dark clothes and a green hooded cloak on top.
We were a little late with the jack-o-lantern (carved the night before, but was "fresh" for Halloween proper!)
Todd and Isabella did a great job again.
All of our family members... even in our individual activities (M at a friend's house / me at home handing out candy / Todd & Isabella walking around getting candy)... we all had a good one! It was a beautiful night.
Random funny pic from a restaurant that was decked out.
And - last random photo from a few days before halloween - but this moon would have made it a more perfect night!
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