Sunday, March 7, 2010

amendment to yesterday's post...

Forgot to mention:
Mercer got the green light to eat anything at his 2 year appointment. The doc suggests no peanuts yet because of a choking hazard, but regarding allergies - we can try any & all foods.

At daycare, he's learning how to trace things. I dropped him off late Friday after his doctor's appointment and got to watch the class trace: Oval, Circle, Triangle.

He's also recognizing adjectives which is pretty cool:
BIG. little.
under. OVER.
HOT. cold.

Today is our 12th anniversary. Todd & I have both been too busy with work to plan a fancy dinner out and schedule babysitting - so we went out as a family. We're glad we did. Mercer was GREAT tonight. (well-behaved. ate well. no tantrums. entertaining and funny.)

Oh - and he had his first calamari tonight. He loved it!

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