Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Do any of the blog readers have a suggestion....

... for travelling with a 10 month old on a long road trip?

We're gearing up to do our trek up the East Coast and we're trying to figure out logistics.
We will need to stop every couple of hours for feeding solid foods and bottles alternatively... but Mercer's crawling and we're horrified at the thought of putting him down on the floor of a restaurant so he can stretch out and move around.

I'd love to hear suggestions and/or baby-friendly places. Please post a reply or email.

(One suggestion is to drive overnight while he sleeps, but neither Todd nor I are thrilled with having to drive all night.)



gmm6797 said...

We traveled with Izaak when he was little, all the way to NC and it was rather painless and really nothing like we expected (or panicked over in advance).
When he was 7 months, I took him to Boston with me (7 hours) and 2 stops was all it took... the hard part of going solo (which I know you are not) was the bathroom breaks for me LOL
Favorite toys and items in the car with a bitter biscut or 2 and you should be fine IMHO
Note: we always took (and take) Izaak on road trips, and we have never had any issues, so may be he has always been used to it too.

Unknown said...

We would do it at night so they could be sleeping for the majority of the trip.

Allison said...

When John David was younger we would pack a lunch and plan to stop at rest stops so that he could crawl around on a blanket that we brought along (actually it was a Neat Sheet). Of course, it was always warm when did this. We still try to stop at rest stops, even on our recent 18 hour trip to upstate New York, to let him run around. The cold seemed to revive all of us as we raced around the buildings, chasing each other. Hope you have a great trip!